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alkali saltgrass (Distichlis stricta )alkali saltgrass
Scientific Name Distichlis stricta
Family Grass
Plant Type Grass
Short Description
Native Yes
Weed Can be
arrowleaf buckwheat, norther buckwheat (Eriogonum compositum)arrowleaf buckwheat
Scientific Name Eriogonum compositum
Family Buckwheat
Native Yes
Coreopsis tinctoria Nutt. var. atkinsoniana Atkinson's coreopsis Atkinson's tickseedAtkinson's coreopsis
Scientific Name Coreopsis tinctoria Nutt. var. atkinsoniana
Family Composites, Sunflower
Plant Type Forb
Short Description Atkinson's coreopsis grows east of New Plymouth, ID, on low lying wet soils near the Payette River. It is a native plant in the western United states and British Columbia.
Native Yes
bastard toadflax (Comandra umbellata)bastard toadflax
Scientific Name Comandra umbellata
Plant Type Forb
Short Description
Native Yes
bicolor larkspur, little larkspur (Delphinium bicolor)bicolor larkspur
Scientific Name Delphinium bicolor
Family Buttercup
Native Yes
Weed No
blue mountain buckwheat (EriogonumStrictum)birdnest buckwheat
Scientific Name Eriogonum nidularium Coville
Family Buckwheat
Plant Type Forb
Native Yes
Weed No
black cottonwood (Populus balsamifera L. ssp. trichocarpa) black cottonwood
Scientific Name Populus balsamifera L. ssp. trichocarpa
Location McCall and many locations
Native Yes
black willow (Salix nigra)
black willow
Scientific Name Salix nigra
Family Willow
Plant Type Tree
Native Yes
Weed No
Blue stickseed (Hackelia micratha)blue stickseed
Scientific Name Hackelia micrantha
Family Borage
Native Yes
Booths evening-primrose(Camissonia boothii )Booths evening-primrose
Scientific Name Camissonia boothii
Family Evening Primrose
Plant Type Forb
Native Yes
Weed No
brickellbush (Brickellia sp.)brickellbush
Scientific Name Brickellia sp.
Family Composites, Sunflower
Native Yes
Weed No
creeping Oregon grape (Berberis repens)creeping barberry
Scientific Name Berberis repens
Family Barberry
Native Yes
creeping Oregon grape (Berberis repens)creeping Oregon grape
Scientific Name Berberis repens
Family Barberry
Native Yes
Cusick's Penstemon (Penstemon Cusickii)Cusick's beartongue
Scientific Name Penstemon cusickii
Family Figwort or Snapdragon
Plant Type Herb
Native Yes
Weed No
Cusick's Penstemon (Penstemon Cusickii)Cusick's penstemon
Scientific Name Penstemon cusickii
Family Figwort or Snapdragon
Plant Type Herb
Native Yes
Weed No
Cusick's Sunflower (Helianthus cusickii)
Cusick's Sunflower
Scientific Name Helianthus cusickii
Family Composites, Sunflower
Native Yes
Weed No
cutleaf nightshade (Solanum triflorum)cutleaf nighshade
Scientific Name Solanum triflorum
Family Solanaceae
Native Yes
desert parsley, fernleaf biscuitroot, fern-leafed lomatium, fern-leafed desert parsley (Lomatium dissectum)desert parsley
Scientific Name Lomatium dissectum
Family Parsley
Plant Type Forb
Native Yes
Weed No
Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii)
Douglas fir
Scientific Name Pseudotsuga menziesii
Family Pine
Plant Type Tree
Short Description Needles around stem, tounges on cones. Leaves: Needles singular
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Dutchman's breeches (Dicentra cucullaria)Dutchman's breeches
Scientific Name Dicentra cucullaria
Family Bleeding heart or Fumatory
Plant Type Forb
Short Description Dutchman's breeches is a native wildflower that grows in a few partial shade sheltered canyon environments. These spots have more moisture than rangelands, but are not really wet soil.
Native Yes
dwarf onion, small onion (Allium parvum)dwarf onion
Scientific Name Allium parvum
Family Lily
Native Yes
Weed No
eastern cottonwood, necklace poplar, great plains cottonwood (Populus deltoides)
eastern cottonwood
Scientific Name Populus deltoides
Family Willow
Plant Type Tree
Native Yes
Weed No
Englemann Spruce (Picea engelmannii)Englemann spruce
Scientific Name Picea engelmannii
Family Pine
Plant Type Tree
Short Description Spire shaped tree, 4 angled needles. Leaves: Sharp needles
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
false strawberry, dwarf hesperochiron (Hesperochiron pumilus)false strawberry
Scientific Name Hesperochiron pumilus
Family Waterleaf
Native Yes
Weed No
desert parsley, fernleaf biscuitroot, fern-leafed lomatium, fern-leafed desert parsley (Lomatium dissectum)fernleaf biscuitroot
Scientific Name Lomatium dissectum
Family Parsley
Plant Type Forb
Native Yes
Weed No
desert parsley, fernleaf biscuitroot, fern-leafed lomatium, fern-leafed desert parsley (Lomatium dissectum)fern-leafed desert parsley
Scientific Name Lomatium dissectum
Family Parsley
Plant Type Forb
Native Yes
Weed No
desert parsley, fernleaf biscuitroot, fern-leafed lomatium, fern-leafed desert parsley (Lomatium dissectum)fern-leafed lomatium
Scientific Name Lomatium dissectum
Family Parsley
Plant Type Forb
Native Yes
Weed No
foothill deathcamas, foothill death camas (Zigadenus paniculatus)foothill deathcamas
Scientific Name Zigadenus paniculatus
Family Lily
Native Yes
foxtail barley (Hordeum jubatum)foxtail barley
Scientific Name Hordeum jubatum
Family Poaceae
Native Yes
Golden Beeplant (Cleome platycarpa)
golden beeplant
Scientific Name Cleome platycarpa
Family Caper
Native Yes
Weed No
Golden Beeplant (Cleome platycarpa)
golden spiderflower
Scientific Name Cleome platycarpa
Family Caper
Native Yes
Weed No
Grand fir (Abies grandis)
grand fir
Scientific Name Abies grandis
Family Pine
Plant Type Tree
Short Description Intergrades with white fir. Leaves: Needles, singular
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
eastern cottonwood, necklace poplar, great plains cottonwood (Populus deltoides)
great plains cottonwood
Scientific Name Populus deltoides
Family Willow
Plant Type Tree
Native Yes
Weed No
grimy mousetail
Scientific Name Ivesia rhypara
Family Rose
Plant Type Forb
Native Yes
Hayden's Cymopterus (Cymopterus Bipinnatus)Hayden's cymopterus
Scientific Name Cymopterus bipinnatus
Family Parsley
Native Yes
Weed No
Holboells rockcress (Arabis hobeollii)Holboell's rockcress
Scientific Name Arabis holboellii
Family Mustard
Native Yes
hook violet (Viola adunca)hook violet
Scientific Name Viola adunca
Family Violet
Native Yes
Indian ricegrass (Achnatherum hymenoides )Indian ricegrass
Scientific Name Achnatherum hymenoides
Family Grass
Plant Type Grass
Short Description perennial
Native Yes
Weed No
Blue stickseed (Hackelia micratha)Jessica sticktight
Scientific Name Hackelia micrantha
Family Borage
Native Yes
Kirtley's nemophila (Nemophila kirtleyi)Kirtley's baby blue eyes
Scientific Name Nemophila kirtleyi
Family Waterleaf
Native Yes
limber pine (Pinus flexilis)limber pine
Scientific Name Pinus flexilis
Family Pine
Plant Type Tree
Native Yes
Weed No
limestone hawksbeard (Crepis intermedia)limestone hawksbeard
Scientific Name Crepis intermedia
Family Composites, Sunflower
Native Yes
Weed No
little larkspur (Delphinium bicolor)little larkspur
Scientific Name Delphinium bicolor
Family Buttercup
Plant Type Herb
Native Yes
Weed No
Lodgepole Pine (Pinus contorta)lodgepole pine
Scientific Name Pinus contorta
Family Pine
Plant Type Tree
Short Description Medium length needles, thin bark, small cones. Leaves: needles in 2's
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
marsh yellowcress (Rorippa islandica)marsh yellowcress
Scientific Name Rorippa islandica
Family Mustard
Native Yes
Weed No
prostrate spurge, milk spurge (Chamaesyce maculata)
milk spurge
Scientific Name Chamaesyce maculata
Family Spurge
Plant Type Forb
Native Yes
Weed Yes
mountain alder (Alnus incana)
mountain alder
Scientific Name Alnus incana
Family Birch
Plant Type Tree
Short Description A small stream-side tree. Flowers and catkins develop and flower on twigs of the previous year before the leaves come out.
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Narrow Leaf Collomia (Collomia linearis)narrow-leaf collomia
Scientific Name Collomia linearis
Family Phlox
Native Yes
Narrowleaf skullcapnarrowleaf skullcap
Scientific Name Scutellaria angustifolia Pursh ssp. micrantha
Family Mint
Plant Type Herb
Short Description A smaller flowered narrowleaf skullcap. These plants cover soil in unstable, shallow soils where few plant species prosper.
Native Yes
Narrowleaf skullcapnarrowleaf skullcap
Scientific Name Scutellaria angustifolia Pursh ssp. angustifolia
Family Mint
Plant Type Herb
Short Description A larger flowered narrowleaf skullcap. These plants colonize unstable or shallow soils where few plants prosper.
Native Yes
eastern cottonwood, necklace poplar, great plains cottonwood (Populus deltoides)
necklace poplar
Scientific Name Populus deltoides
Family Willow
Plant Type Tree
Native Yes
Weed No
nettle leaf giant hyssop, nettleleaf giant hyssop (Agastache urticifolia)nettle leaf giant hyssop
Scientific Name Agastache urticifolia
Family Mint
Native Yes
nettle leaf giant hyssop, nettleleaf giant hyssop (Agastache urticifolia)nettleleaf giant hyssop
Scientific Name Agastache urticifolia
Family Mint
Native Yes
arrowleaf buckwheat, norther buckwheat (Eriogonum compositum)northern buckwheat
Scientific Name Eriogonum compositum
Family Buckwheat
Native Yes
Oregon Checker-Mallow (Sidalcea oregana)Oregon checkerbloom
Scientific Name Sidalcea oregana
Family Mallow
Native Yes
Weed No
Oregon Checker-Mallow (Sidalcea oregana)Oregon checker-mallow
Scientific Name Sidalcea oregana
Family Mallow
Native Yes
Weed No
parsnip-flowered buckwheat (Eriogonum heracleoides)parsnip-flowered buckwheat
Scientific Name Eriogonum heracleoides
Family Buckwheat
Short Description parsnip-flowered buckwheat (Eriogonum heracleoides)
Native Yes
Weed No
Pellitory (Parietaria pensylvanica)
Scientific Name Parietaria pensylvanica
Family Nettle
Plant Type Forb
Native Yes
Weed Yes
Plains springparsley (Cymopterus acaulis)plains cymopterus
Scientific Name Cymopterus acaulis
Native Yes
Plains springparsley (Cymopterus acaulis)plains springparsley
Scientific Name Cymopterus acaulis
Native Yes
poison ivy (Toxicodendron rydbergii)
poison ivy
Scientific Name Toxicodendron rydbergii
Family Sumac
Plant Type Shrub
Native Yes
Weed Can be
Ponderosa Pine (Pinus ponderosa)
ponderosa pine
Scientific Name Pinus ponderosa
Family Pine
Plant Type Tree
Short Description Long needled, thick puzzle bark. Leaves: Needles in 3's
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
poverty sumpweed (Iva axillaris)poverty sumpweed
Scientific Name Iva axillaris
Family Composites, Sunflower
Plant Type Forb
Native Yes
Weed Can be
prairie starflower (Lithophragma parviflorum)prairie starflower
Scientific Name Lithophragma parviflorum
Family Saxifrage
Native Yes
Weed No
prostrate spurge, milk spurge (Chamaesyce maculata)
prostrate spurge
Scientific Name Chamaesyce maculata
Family Spurge
Plant Type Forb
Native Yes
Weed Yes
Quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) tree with typical white bark.quaking aspen
Scientific Name Populus tremuloides
Family Willow
Plant Type Tree
Location McCall and many locations
Native Yes
Weed No
rough eyelashweed (Blepharipappus scaber)rough eyelashweed
Scientific Name Blepharipappus scaber
Family Composites, Sunflower
Native Yes
salt heliotrope (Heliotropium curassavicum L.) salt heliotrope
Scientific Name Heliotropium curassavicum L.
Family Borage
Plant Type Shrub
Native Yes
Weed No
stiff sagebrush, scabland sagebrush (Artemisia rigida)scabland sagebrush
Scientific Name Artemisia rigida
Family Composites, Sunflower
Native Yes
scarlet gillia
Scientific Name Ipomopsis aggregata var. attenuata
Native Yes
shadscale saltbush (Atriplex confertifolia )shadscale saltbush
Scientific Name Atriplex confertifolia
Family Goosefoot
Plant Type Shrub
Native Yes
Weed No
showy goldeneye (Heliomeris multiflora)showy goldeneye
Scientific Name Heliomeris multiflora
Short Description Annual to weak perennial.
Native Yes
Weed No
silver sagebrush (Artemisia cana)silver sagebrush
Scientific Name Artemisia cana
Family Composites, Sunflower
Short Description perennial
Native Yes
Weed No
skunkbrush sumac (Rhus trilobata)skunkbrush sumac
Scientific Name Rhus trilobata
Family Sumac
Plant Type Shrub
Native Yes
Scientific Name Ipomopsis aggregata var. attenuata
Native Yes
slender fringe cup (Lithophragma bulbiferum)slender fringe cup
Scientific Name Lithophragma bulbiferum
Family Saxifrage
Native Yes
dwarf onion, small onion (Allium parvum)small onion
Scientific Name Allium parvum
Family Lily
Native Yes
Weed No
Wild Crab Apple (Peraphyllum ramosissimum)squaw apple
Scientific Name Peraphyllum ramosissimum
Family Rose
Native No, Yes
Weed Can be
Squirreltail (Elymus elymoides)squirreltail
Scientific Name Elymus elymoides
Family Grass
Plant Type Grass
Native Yes
Weed No
Subalpine Fir (Abies lasiocarpa)subalpine fir
Scientific Name Abies lasiocarpa
Family Pine
Plant Type Tree
Short Description Found in the central mountains of Idaho above McCall and elsewhere.
Location McCall and many locations
Native Yes
Weed No
sugar bowl (Clematis hirsutissima)sugar bowl
Scientific Name Clematis hirsutissima
Family Buttercup
Plant Type Herb
Native Yes
Weed No
sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana)sugar pine
Scientific Name Pinus lambertiana
Family Pine
Plant Type Tree
Native Yes
swamp onion (Allium madidum)swamp onion
Scientific Name Allium madidum
Family Lily
Native Yes
Weed No
tall ragwort (Senecio serra)tall ragwort
Scientific Name Senecio serra
Family Composites, Sunflower
Native Yes
tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus )tarragon
Scientific Name Artemisia dracunculus
Family Composites, Sunflower
Plant Type Shrub
Native Yes
threenerve fleabane (Erigeron subtrinervis)threenerve fleabane
Scientific Name Erigeron subtrinervis
Family Composites, Sunflower
Native Yes
Weed No
threetip sagebrush (Artemisia tripartita)threetip sagebrush
Scientific Name Artemisia tripartita
Family Composites, Sunflower
Plant Type Shrub
Native Yes
Weed No
thymeleaf buckwheat (Eriogonum thymoides)thymeleaf buckwheat
Scientific Name Eriogonum thymoides
Family Buckwheat
Native Yes
Weed No
Narrow Leaf Collomia (Collomia linearis)tiny trumpet
Scientific Name Collomia linearis
Family Phlox
Native Yes
western groundsel (Senecio integerrimus)western groundsel
Scientific Name Senecio integerrimus
Family Composites, Sunflower
Native Yes
westren hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla)western hemlock
Scientific Name Tsuga heterophylla
Family Pine
Plant Type Tree
Native Yes
Weed No
Western Juniper (Juniperus occidentalis)western juniper
Scientific Name Juniperus occidentalis
Family Cypress
Plant Type Tree
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed Can be
Western Larch (Larix occidentalis)western larch
Scientific Name Larix occidentalis
Family Pine
Plant Type Tree
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
western sweet-cicely (Osmorhiza occidentalis)western sweet-cicely
Scientific Name Osmorhiza occidentalis
Native Yes
White Sagebrush (Artemisia ludoviciana ssp Ludoviciana)white sage brush
Scientific Name Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. ludoviciana
Family Composites, Sunflower
Native Yes
Weed No
wormwood, white sage brush (Artemisia ludoviciana )white sage brush
Scientific Name Artemisia ludoviciana
Family Composites, Sunflower
Plant Type Shrub
Native Yes
Weed No
White Sagebrush (Artemisia ludoviciana ssp Ludoviciana)white sagebrush
Scientific Name Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. ludoviciana
Family Composites, Sunflower
Native Yes
Weed No
wormwood, white sage brush (Artemisia ludoviciana )white sagebrush
Scientific Name Artemisia ludoviciana
Family Composites, Sunflower
Plant Type Shrub
Native Yes
Weed No
Wild Crab Apple (Peraphyllum ramosissimum)wild crab apple
Scientific Name Peraphyllum ramosissimum
Family Rose
Native No, Yes
Weed Can be
Wild Crab Apple (Peraphyllum ramosissimum)wild crabapple
Scientific Name Peraphyllum ramosissimum
Family Rose
Native No, Yes
Weed Can be
wild licorice (Glycyrrhiza lepidota)wild licorice
Scientific Name Glycyrrhiza lepidota
Family Legume or Pea
Plant Type Forb
Native Yes
Weed Yes
willow (Salix sp.)
Scientific Name Salix sp.
Family Willow
Plant Type Shrub
Location McCall and many locations
Native Yes
Weed No
Wishbone-bush (Mirabilis laevis var. retrorsa)
Scientific Name Mirabilis laevis var. retrorsa
Plant Type Forb
Short Description perennial
Native Yes
wormwood, white sage brush (Artemisia ludoviciana )wormwood
Scientific Name Artemisia ludoviciana
Family Composites, Sunflower
Plant Type Shrub
Native Yes
Weed No
Yellow Alyssum (Alyssum alyssoides)yellow alyssum
Scientific Name Alyssum alyssoides
Family Mustard
Native Yes
Weed No
yellow violet (Viola nuttallii)yellow violet
Scientific Name Viola nuttallii
Family Violet
Native Yes